Monday, January 3, 2011

Pictures and thoughts, pictures and thoughts and dedications.

When I get published, my dedication will go something like this (except with names where the blanks are):

To _____, for reminding me everyone deserves to be helped and is capable of helping.
To _____, for reminding me stereotypes and rumors can be completely wrong.
To _____, for reminding me everyone is beautiful and to be myself.
To _____, for reminding me life is beautiful even in the darkest days.
To _____, for reminding me to be completely silly sometimes.
To _____, for reminding me a broken heart can always heal.
To _____, for reminding me disorders don't define a person.
To _____, for reminding me that I am worth something.
To _____, for reminding me God works through people.
To _____, for reminding me what true friendship is and that music is theraputic.
To _____, for reminding me that a sister is forever, even if not biological.
To _____, for reminding me to show those I love that I care.
To _____, for reminding me that mistakes are necessary.

I love Pokemon :)

I'm kinda into glitter lately. But NOT like Edward Cullen. Ickk.
I love this even though I greatly prefer sunsets to sunrises. Mostly because I can't get up early enough to watch sunrises.
Someone buy me one of these? But less pentagon-y.

I love Totoro and wish someone would do this to my shoes..

I have decided I want to get my tattoo sometime soon, before I go to college.

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